

Hi people from my bootcamps and mum fitness groups in the northern beaches and north shore. Here are 5 motivational tips to keep you guys focused and training!

  1. Breakdown your big fitness goal to small goals:

Don’t get overwhelmed by the 10kg you want to lose. Focus on small weekly weight loss targets which are achievable.

2. Create a plan to commit yourself to losing small amounts of weight:

    ½ kg to 1 kg per week.

    3. Have a set workout time and place:

      You have no more excuses to say you don’t have time to workout. Once you get into the routine, workouts no longer become a chore.

      4. Variety of workouts:

        Don’t do the same routine every time you workout. You will get bored in a month. Mix up your training methods and intensity. It’s unbelievable how much more you will enjoy your workouts!

        5. Don’t count the Km’s and calories

          Don’t workout with your constant focus on counting calories. Exercise will become a frustrating every time you focus on the pizza you had and the calories required to burn. Make exercise a lifestyle choice and you will get results!!



          7 Scientifically Proven Tips for Effective Weight Loss

          Hi People, here is some info for my northern beaches and north shore fitness bootcamp groups!

          7 Scientifically Proven Tips for Effective Weight Loss

          1. Exercise: For long term successful weight loss you need to exercises for 4 hours per week

          2. Activity: Being physically active for 60-90 min per day

          3. Eat real fresh food as opposed to processed food: Eat fresh, real food is naturally low in calories and high in nutrients, which your body needs plus it’s high in fibre

          4. Alcohol: If you are serious about wanting to tone up or lose weight, limit your drinks to 5 per week. Beyond this will negatively affect your goal to lose weight.

          5. Manage Stress: Stress causes the release of hormones which inhibits fat loss and promotes fat storage
          6. Get 8 hours sleep: 7 to 8 hours sleeps is the optimal level required for health

          7. Keep a food diary: A food diary is critical for success. You need to know what you are putting in your body at all times to monitor progress

          (This is also for the Mums Fitness Northern Beaches/ North shore fitness crew!)



          Bodyweight Workout of the Week

          Hi Guys and girls from my northern beaches bootcamp and mums fitness group. Here is a quick Bodyweight workout of the day which everyone can do:

          5 min jog
          2 min sprints (50 metre sprints x 4) – sprint 50m, jog 50m x 4 etc.
          Tabata Squats: 4min of squats (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off – 4min)

          5 min jog
          10 push ups x 3 sets – superset with
          10 dips x 3 sets

          2 min run
          20 lunges
          2 min run
          20 lunges

          Finish of with 2 min of crunches (20 sec on 10 sec off).

          Especially the mums in my Northern beaches and North Shore Fitness Group, try this training on your own or with a friend when you have half n’ hour!


          Top 5 weight loss tips

          Northern Beaches fitness training/North Shore Bootcamps and fitness training.

          Afternoon people this is the first of many posts regarding fitness tips and info which i have created. Today will be 5fitness tips to weight loss:

          1. Drink a minimum of 2 litres of water per day:

          The adult human body is made up of 60% of water. Drinking water flushes out your system of toxins and keeps you hydrated which improves your health.

          The first thing i do every day when i wake up is drink a whole bottle of water (even if i don’t feel like it). Try it for a week and see how good you feel!

          2. 30min of exercise a day:

          It is not that hard to find 30min a day to do a workout. However the key to working out is about intensity. I see people walking on treadmills in the gym which does almost nothing! Have a planned workout of what your going to do and when you start GO HARD, ITS ALL ABOUT INTENSITY!

          3. Eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice:

          Juice from the supermarket is often sweetened. Fresh fruit has natural sugars, enough for your daily intake. Next time read the ingredients of your bottle of apple juice  and see how much sugar is in it…..scary.

          4.  Eat 5-6 meals a day

          Eating regularly with smaller portions will assist in your weight loss. You should always have your biggest meal at the start of the day and your smallest meal at dinner. Unfortunately most people do the exact opposite!

          5. Sleep 6-8hrs is required

          It is so important to get enough sleep for your body to recharge and re-build. Especially if you are working out, you will need adequate sleep to function at your peak performance when your awake!


          See if you can do this for one week people. and stick to it. Discipline weighs an ounce, regret weighs a ton!